Agency Worker Expenses

Intalytic Umbrella

Agency Worker Expenses Explanation.

You can claim certain expenses you incur towards carrying out your work. Which will be reimbursed. Reimbursable expenses can be paid income tax deductions and national insurance for instance. If you gave genuinely incurred business expenses of £200 and we have received total of £400 from your agency then out of £400 your taxable income will be £200 and rest of the £200 will be paid to you as it is which is not taxed.

Business Expense

The reimbursable business expenses are as follows

Mileage cost for one-off or non-commute journeys.
Temporary accommodation and flights.
Training cost related to work.

The reimbursable business expenses are as follows

A private/personal expense
Ordinary commuting
An expense that has not been incurred

Travel costs:

If your client has the right to supervise, direct or control your work, travel to your normal workplace is normal commuting, and is not an allowable expense. You may still be able to claim for travel if you’re a mobile worker, or if you’re making a one-off journey to a temporary workplace. Our contractor support team will discuss your circumstances in detail to make sure you claim correctly.

We can only reimburse for travel expenses as mileage travelled in your own vehicle. If you travel in any other way, this will be a recordable expense.

Recordable expenses:

There are some expenses which cannot be reimbursed in the way described above. You can still submit these expenses to us, and we’ll record the information to provide to you at the end of the tax year. You may be able to claim tax relief on these expenses through HMRC.

Recordable expenses must be used solely and exclusively for your work, and which you don’t use in your private life. You must keep records of what you’ve spent and claim within 4 years of the end of the tax year in which you spent the money.

Workplace Pension Scheme.

Working with us gives you the benefit of saving into your pension pot. We use NOW Pension as a pension provider who is UK’s renowned and legitimate pension provider. NOW pension provide an online portal for all the contractors where they can login and view their accounts.


Your employer has a legal obligation to enrol all qualifying employees, so once you meet the criteria, they will have to enrol you. Once you’ve been enrolled you should then have the option to opt out. The scheme may have a deadline for this, so you should make sure you read all the information sent by the pension provider.